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by John » Fri May 17, 2024 03:52 am
I was sitting outside waiting for the kids getting home from school and I noticed a bird standing in the driveway chattering away. Then I hear return chattering coming from toward the house. Trying to see where it was coming from, I finally spotted a bird's head sticking out of the air vent near the roof. Evidently she was stuck in the attic and couldn't quite get out through the air vent. So, I grabbed a ladder and climbed up to the vent. I used a metal pole to pry apart the aluminum vent to give the bird room to get out. I put the ladder back and stood around a while to see if the bird would finally come out but she didn't. Anyway, a day later, I don't hear any more chattering. Hoping she came out and didn't decide to live there! John