message 2 of 4
by John » Mon Aug 12, 2024 08:48 am
Well, 2 long days at the Fair and a night at the Lake of the Ozarks, all outdoors, and I'm pretty well exhausted. One of the first things I do every morning is push-ups and this morning I couldn't quite get through the last one. Last night after playing on the Lake, Paul told me he hoped we'd be playing together for another 15 years. I reminded him that in 15 years I'd be 82 and I had my doubts about making it that far. (It really is a physically and mentally stressful job.) He reminded me that we already had a booking 2 years away. Did I think I could make it at least 3 years?
I'm still doing chess every night. I haven't had much time the last few days but I did manage to get in a quick game with someone during a 2 hour break at the Fair.
My outdoor kitty is still eating every afternoon, and tonight I heard a loud thump out back. I turned on the porch light and there was a really big raccoon, playing around in the garbage. This time there were Kentucky Fried Chicken bones that I make sure the cats can't get to. Apparently raccoons are used to that kind of stuff. John