message 6 of 34
by John » Thu Dec 05, 2024 02:36 am
Yes, there wasn't a lot of dirt in the house, just enough to show she's been in there. She's left little, muddy paw prints all over the riding lawn mower, which sits right in front of the house.
Van Gogh has her routine. She usually sleeps right by my pillow and gets up to let me lay down, making a nice warm spot for my shoulders. Then she curls up with her face in front of mine, laying on my beard, which I have to pull out from under her. After 10 minutes or so, she'll turn around with her back to my face.
This morning the tornado sirens went off, as they do the first week of every month. It's the first time it ever seemed to bother Van Gogh. She got up and walked to the other side of the bed, then back over to me to give me a head butt. She did that several times, then when the sirens stopped, she laid back down next to me. I never noticed that bothering her before. John