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message 1 of 7
by » Mon Jan 20, 2025 09:53 pm

A couple days ago Cheri underwent another cancer scan here in town, and today we went back in through the ice and cold to hear the results.  Cheri wanted me to be there to hear the doctor in case there was anything she might not understand.  A lady came in and weighed her, took her blood pressure, and asked a few questions about pain, falls, smoking or drinking, stuff like that.  Then in a noticeably quieter voice, asked if she was being abused.  I thought, with me sitting right there beside her, she wouldn't admit something like that and with me there, it seemed pointless to ask.  Of course, Cheri often sees her doctors when I'm not around and I imagine they must ask her then.  We never have more than the most minor arguments and those are very rare.  After the visit we went out to breakfast and I mentioned how quiet the nurse got when she asked about abuse.  Cheri laughed and said she thought about telling her that she beat on me once in a while.

After the preliminaries, just minutes later her regular doctor came in and gave us the great news.  Absolutely nothing on the scan and her blood numbers were all terrific!  Of course, because of the kind of cancer she had, she won't be considered truly cancer free for years to come.  It tends to come back.  But being cancer free at all, is such an enormous relief!  That also means one less trip to Columbia.  So, we went out to a celebratory breakfast.

As we were leaving to the hospital, I heard Taylor outside meowing as she usually does but I didn't see her.  So I laid her out some food, and she came trotting out from behind the garbage bins to eat.  When we came back, all her food was gone and I didn't see her, but I left her some more food.  I'll be going back outside soon and check on her again.  The cold, snow and ice don't seem to bother her all that much, I suppose because she has a nice, warm shelter to crawl into.  John

re: Cheri

message 2 of 7
by » Tue Jan 21, 2025 12:32 pm

That is great news! Take Cheri out for a nice dinner too! 

ANd what the heck with the silent question? I have heard others say they were asked this of late. Is this something new?


David and the CoolCyberCats

Forever in my heart

Cats Nap. Only Humans Put Them "To Sleep": Sterilize, Don't Euthanize!


re: Cheri

message 3 of 7
by » Tue Jan 21, 2025 10:27 pm

It's 8 degrees and Cheri is out running her Mom around.  Last night was a record low for this date.  I think the celebratory dinner will wait till the temperatures are a little more bearable.  As she was leaving, she noticed her car had a nearly flat tire, so she took mine.  It's too cold to mess around with flat tires and I can't get to the air compressor until some of this ice is gone.

Our electricity went out for a bit at about 6:00 AM.  It must have only blinked for a few seconds because my coffee maker never lost time but our other clocks are all wrong.  Some time after noon though, the electric company said that 1800 people in town were still out.  Our furnace is gas but of course, it requires electricity to run.  Poor time for our neighbors to be out of electricity.

I went out this afternoon to feed Taylor and she was right out there waiting.  I don't have a specific time to do this, so I never know how long she's been outside waiting.  I should probably set a standard time.  It might make her life a little easier if she has some idea when to be waiting.  She still won't let me get too close and I probably won't make any effort until the weather warms up.

As long as Cheri has been going to the doctors, they've asked her if she was being abused, which I don't think is really a bad idea.  It might be some people's only chance to let the outside world know what's going on.  It just seemed kind of pointless to ask while I was sitting right next to her.  John

re: Cheri

message 4 of 7
by » Wed Jan 22, 2025 01:31 pm

8f is cold. We live in an upside down country right now, with snow in Florida. I am glad it was int he 20's this morning, so we are out of the below zero temps for now.

I have had tires flatten due to extreme cold. First time ever for me was in I think 1991, the temps in Chicago went to close to 20 below and I was driving and the cold flattened a tire. I had to change it and being the temps fell to that extreme in hours I had no coat or gloves. It sucked. Then the next day another tire flattened!

Good that you still have power!


David and the CoolCyberCats

Forever in my heart

Cats Nap. Only Humans Put Them "To Sleep": Sterilize, Don't Euthanize!


re: Cheri

message 5 of 7
by » Wed Jan 22, 2025 06:50 pm

I know it's normal for tires to get a little low when it's cold enough but her tire being very nearly completely flat still surprised me.  I learned pretty early that if I drive anywhere, dress like you might have to walk because often enough, I've had to.  I remember my Dad finding it hard to imagine that in Chicago, so many people ran around without coats.  I figured that it was because they never planned on walking any farther than from their car to a building, or from building to building.  Dad grew up around Peoria, so the weather was roughly the same, but I guess in Peoria they expected to be outdoors a lot more.

People sometimes rib me, saying that being from Chicago I should be used to the cold but I usually answer yeah, but I lived indoors!  Of course, being from Chicago would still never prepare anyone for that brutal Montana cold.  Looking for a big jump, up to 32 today, then back around zero Wednesday.  John

re: Cheri

message 6 of 7
by » Thu Jan 23, 2025 01:41 pm

I see people here in shorts and a t-shirt in winter. I do have to admit, 90% of the ones I see are hefty in size, so not sure if heing really fat makes you hot. But I have seen it in 20 below, and they are walking across a parking lot (far) into Costco or a store. I rarely wear a coat (opting for long sleeve undershirt, heavy shirt and a jacket - even in bitter cold), but I could not imagine shorts in 20 below.




David and the CoolCyberCats

Forever in my heart

Cats Nap. Only Humans Put Them "To Sleep": Sterilize, Don't Euthanize!


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