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message 1 of 7
by » Tue Jan 28, 2025 12:19 am

Well, it's been an unusual weekend.  Just hours before work Saturday, my singer quit.  His wife insisted he quit or get thrown out of the house with his 3 dogs.  (Musicians call it the Yoko Ono effect.)  So he quit, which left us somewhat "holding the bag".  So, the work got canceled.  Anybody is replaceable, but not in just a few hours.  We have 2 weeks to put something new together, but it's already well on the way.  A former singer who quit because we worked too much, soon regretted it and is already hired for the next few weeks.  Probably not permanent because we still work all the time, but we should only miss the one job last Saturday.  We just came out with new calendars which have the old singer in a lot of the pictures, but the dates are still the same.  

After the snow and ice we got weeks ago, the temperatures have been up and down, meaning the snow partially melts and then freezes back into ice.  I could have shoveled it off but I didn't realize it would hang around so long.  The residual ice is too thick to get off now so for weeks, we've been slipping around on the driveway.  I've had 30 pounds of cat litter in the car for a week, because I want to make sure I can stay upright before I carry it in.

Yesterday I was doing dishes and looked out the window to see Taylor sitting next to the neighbor's shed.  As I went to feed her, she came slowly walking across the empty lot to get here.  Today, she was right here waiting.  John

re: Work

message 2 of 7
by » Tue Jan 28, 2025 02:18 pm

I hear the Kansas City has a TB outbreak right now. Do they still give TB vaccines?

How is Piggy and Cheri?

The weather here is dropped snow a bit then sun, then some snow. Still below zero at night though, but I think today will be in the upper 20's as a high.

Careful on the ice. You could pull the litter out of the car and then tie a string around it and pull it in (will slide ont he ice easily) (laugh).


David and the CoolCyberCats

Forever in my heart

Cats Nap. Only Humans Put Them "To Sleep": Sterilize, Don't Euthanize!


re: Work

message 3 of 7
by » Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:00 am

Wow, I hadn't heard a word about the TB outbreak.  We're only up there about once a month but that's more often than I want to make the drive.

The weather here has warmed considerably but all that ice has really hung around.  Fortunately, I haven't needed the cat litter yet, or I'd have had to find some way of dragging it in.  I never thought about dragging it in with a rope but I think one more warm day may get rid of most of the ice.

The band got together today to work in our new/old singer.  Went really well and I don't think it'll be as hard as I was afraid of.

Piggy, Van Gogh and Cheri are all doing great.  We had the grandkid over for the weekend and of course, they had to go shopping, which Cheri does almost every day anyway.  Tonight we went out for dinner.  Van Gogh is doing fine, if I can just keep her from scratching up Cheri's bench.  I just fed Piggy his supper.  Right now he's dragging his little house around like a turtle.  He's been really affectionate lately.  When I reach in to get his food bowl, he rubs his head up against my hand, and licks and nibbles a bit on my wrist.  Of course, I give him scratches.  I'm glad he doesn't actually bite!  I did find a good guinea pig vet here in town if I should ever need one.  John

re: Work

message 4 of 7
by » Thu Jan 30, 2025 04:54 pm

If VanGough loves the tree bark, I have an idea. Make or buy a tree bark scratcher.

The image looks pretty basic and easy. Or search on the net for Organic Tree Bark Scratching Post.



David and the CoolCyberCats

Forever in my heart

Cats Nap. Only Humans Put Them "To Sleep": Sterilize, Don't Euthanize!


re: Work

message 5 of 7
by » Thu Jan 30, 2025 09:31 pm

I should try something like that.  I had the rope style scratching post before and Van Gogh was absolutely uninterested.  Maybe she'd go for the bark.

I finally did hear about the TB outbreak in Kansas, the biggest outbreak since the 1950s.  I don't know whether it's a problem around Kansas City yet but big cities tend to be disease magnets.  I just checked my schedule and to my surprise, I'm not booked around Kansas City again until the middle of May.  Of course, that could change but I'm booked pretty solid up to that point.

Taylor has decided she likes that lawnmower seat.  It seems like her favorite place to just hang out.  Today, there was another cat I'd never seen before, waiting where I usually feed Taylor.  When I opened the door, the cat ran away, and Taylor came off her seat on the lawnmower to eat.  Much as I wish I could, it would be hard to start feeding all the neighborhood cats like I used to, and Cheri would probably hit me with a frying pan.  Or more likely chew me out and tell me to stop it.  John

re: Work

message 6 of 7
by » Fri Jan 31, 2025 09:26 pm

I figure if you can buy a single log and ount it to a round base from home depot you can make such a post for really cheap.

WHen you go to KS, take care to not catch tb (like you can tell and know).

We are expecting 7 to 12 inches this weekend. I wonder if I pray hard it will fall everywhere but on the streets?


David and the CoolCyberCats

Forever in my heart

Cats Nap. Only Humans Put Them "To Sleep": Sterilize, Don't Euthanize!


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