Calliope discovers a catnip sardine
or is it she kust loves catnip?
Okay, I put the sardine can on her.
about as much as Calliope does
On May 28th, we had a double rainbow. Note that we lost ^Copycat^ on May 27th and ^Electra^ on May 29th 2004.
Now if she can just fall asleep while I keep the flashes going
Nova trying to look good for the camera
Orion finds a catnip lemon
Orion and Nova share a catnip candy cane
I was invited to "Lunch with the President" at Heart of the Valley Animal Shelter on Nov. 21st for being one of the top donators of 2008. Here are some pictures I took in the cat room.
I am holding the oldest resident there at the time. I also picked up a years sponsorship for him that day.
Nova plays with a new toy
Early morning on December 20th I was treated to a wonderful early morning sundog
Early morning on December 20th I was treated to a wonderful early morning sundog