2005 Webcams

Below are some of the cat cam images from our past. When I started CoolCyberCats the thought of saving off cam images just never occured to me. I wish it had. The saved off images I have from 2001 are 2002 are very few (in fact all are on this page) are far between. But what I do have represents a small snapshot of the lives of the CoolCyberCats, and I am happy to share them with you. Perhaps you are a long time visitor and remember some of the camera angles and setups? Perhaps they may bring a tear and smile to your face, as they do mine. As time moves forward I have learned the importance of saving off images from time to time, and I rely on you to email me cam images you see live that tickle your fancy.
Jan 26, 2005 2:41pm MST: Helena, Montana
Hamlet sleeps in the loft window. Thanks to TonkaZip for sending me the image.
Feb 11, 2005 4:13pm MST: Helena, Montana
Hamlet sleeps in the loft window. Thanks to TonkaZip for sending me the image.
Feb 11, 2005 4:25pm MST: Helena, Montana
Hamlet decides his foot needs to be cleaned in the loft window. Thanks to TonkaZip for sending me the image.
Feb 11, 2005 4:31pm MST: Helena, Montana
Hamlet stirs in the loft window (he me have heard the garage door open as I came home). Thanks to TonkaZip for sending me the image.
Feb 18, 2005 : Helena, Montana
The 1st animal seen on the MountainCam! Thanks to TonkaZip for capturing the shot!
Feb 25, 2005 : Helena, Montana
Hamlet sleeps in the loft window. Thanks to KittieLover for sending me the image.
Feb 25, 2005 : Helena, Montana
Hamlet sleeps in the loft window. Thanks to KittieLover for sending me the image.
Feb 24, 2005 3:02pm MST: Helena, Montana
Hamlet cleans up in the loft window. Thanks to TonkaZip for sending me the image.
Feb 24, 2005 3:04pm MST: Helena, Montana
Hamlet has an itch in the loft window. Thanks to TonkaZip for sending me the image.
March 3, 2005 3:44pm MST: Helena, Montana
Hamlet decides Orion needs a cleaning in the loft window. Thanks to TonkaZip for sending me the image.
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