*Note from human friend David:
Leo was adopted in 2001 from the shelter Hamlet came from. He was in the special-needs program there because of his many problems. At the time we adopted Leo he suffered from epilepsy, poor eyesight, atrophied rear legs, constant jumping when he heard a noise or something moved, brittle coat, an abusive past and more. When we first saw him in the Save-A-Pet newsletter we knew we had to help him. We managed to locate his original owner's vet records which really upset us once we read the details of his past. He suffered from many things including removal of all four sets of claws (even though Save-A-Pet makes you sign a contract when adopting stating that you will NEVER declaw the cat) and electrocution! He started life as a healthy normal kitten, and after 2 years with his original owners came back to the shelter a broken, scared and sad cat.
Since his adoption his coat has softened and is beautiful, his courage is returning, he eats regularly, he loves our company and loves to be brushed. His rear legs are stronger, his footing surer and we have been working with his vet to reduce his seizure medication strength so he is not doped up for the rest of his life. He has suffered about one Grand-Mal seizure every 6 months over the last 2 years (as sad as that sounds it is actually FAR less than he used to suffer from them) and as long as he does not have a major seizure more than every 6 months we will keep him at the low level of medication he is on.
Leo is now a happy kitty. He is regaining trust in people and loves us as much as we love him (Donna says that I am Leo's world. He looks all over for me when I am not around and always wants to be with me.) He even does a special dance we call the "happy dance" when we get home in the evening and feed him. He is a very special cat who possesses great courage, love and charm. He is a winner to us.
My name is Leo. I was adopted from Save-A-Pet no-kill animal shelter.

(scared on my 1st day with David)
When I first came here I was really scared. Hamlet looked big and imposing, and Itchy was mean to me. There is a nice soft fleece blanket on the bed David said was mine. It felt warm and comforting to lay on it. I spent a good part of my first few days exploring the room I was in and laying on the fleece blanket.

(watching the birds)
Hamlet is no longer scary to me, in fact he has turned out to be my best cat friend. Most days he likes to stay in the room with me when David goes to work. When he does we sit together all day and watch the animals and birds outside from the condos by the window. We talk about all kinds of things and he tells me all about his adventures. Itchy never comes in the room to be with me. For some reason he does not care much for me. David has been trying to explain to him how nice I am, and it has helped a bit, but not completely. So until the day comes when Itchy likes me I will just have to keep my charm turned up to high. After all, how can anyone not like me?

(peeking over the couch back)
When we lived in Illinois every other evenings David will put let me sleep in the room with him instead of Itchy. I used to like to go in the loft and sit by the edge and look out over the living room. One day I fell off the loft and landed on my side!
Donna even took me for a walk in the yard on a warm January afternoon. It was windy though, and I hate wind.

(taking a walk)
When we moved to Montana Donna, Electra and Calliope joind us. David had me sleep with him a lot more, then Itchy got really sick and David let me in the room to sleep with him and Itchy. Itchy no longer hated me and would allow me in the room with him. He actually began to be friendly to me and we had a lot of great conversations. When Itchy left us in May 2004, I was the last cat to lay with him just minutes before he left. I knew Itchy needed a friend and Hamlet was too upset and scared and just hissed at Itchy then left the room. So I laid next to him and groomed him for the first and last time ever. I miss him now.

(now an official coyboy cat!)
I like to lay on the couch with David and Donna while they pet me or brush me. I really like to be brushed, it feels nice. There is a nice heated pad on the couch I lay on, and a heated bed in the dining room window that I like to spend my days in.
On February 14th 2015 at 4:45pm MST Leo left us.
My Info:
- Gender:
- Male
- Color:
- Orange and white mix
- Official Birthday:
- May 1, 1998
- Height(sitting):
- 16 inches
- Length w/Tail:
- 28 inches
- Weight:
- 11 lbs
- Eye color:
- Goldish Green
- Favorite Music:
- Anything soft and light
- Favorite TV Shows:
- McGiver and Stargete SG1 (anything staring Richard Dean Anderson)
- Favorite Food:
- Whiska's treats (sadly no longer made)
- Likes:
- Sitting on the couch with Hamlet, laying in the heated window bed, being brushed, when David comes home from work, Donna
- Dislikes:
- Abusive humans, people who declaw cats, wind, sub-q fluids, needles

In loving memory of sweet Leo.